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Composition of commiteesInserm Chairs 2024

Selection committees are made up of 6 to 10 members chosen from among international specialists in the research fields concerned. They review applications and interview candidates.

A+ / A-

Commitee n°1

Project Titles

  • CHRONic diseases: use of Organoids and Stem cells as Therapeutic options
  • Neural regulation of immunity
  • Bacterial immunity, phagotherapy and new therapies to combat antibiotic resistance
  • Bioengineering for therapeutics​
  • Leveraging autoimmune disease understanding toward biomarkers discovery through systems immunology approaches

Composition of commitee n°1

Chairman: Pierre-Olivier Couraud


  • Michel Arthur
  • Ana Buj Bello
  • Pilar Garcia
  • Xavier Gidrol
  • Christophe Klose
  • Francesco Pappalardo
  • Joaquim Vives

Commitee n°2

Project Titles

  • ​Development of new statistical methods to study the genetic component of complex diseases beyond association studies
  • Using brain imaging to bridge between neuroscience and cognition
  • Computational modeling for multi-omics data​​
  • Epitranscriptomics and Cancer Adaptation​
  • Identification of dysregulated embryonal programs in pediatric cancers

Composition of commitee n°2

Chairman: Pierre-Olivier Couraud


  • Hugues Aschard
  • Sylvie Chalon
  • Étienne Koechlin
  • Sergey Nikolaev
  • Katrin Ottersbach
  • Sarah Watson
  • Ioannis Xenarios

Commitee n°3

Project Titles

  • From cellular modeling of rare neurodevelopmental diseases to personalized medicine
  • Molecular physiology approaches to bioenergetics and metabolism​
  • Strategy for reducing the risks associated with chronic opioid use​
  • CARDIOMET : Innovation in the Pathophysiology of Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases

Composition of commitee n°3

Chairman: Pierre-Olivier Couraud


  • Anne Bonnieu
  • Fabienne Foufelle
  • Sebastien Granier
  • Sarah Kittel-Schneider
  • Wilfried Le Goff
  • Rémi Mounier
  • Christoph Stein
  • Pierre Szepetowski