Inserm Chairs are intended for researchers with strong potential for supervising and leading research teams, as well as the ability to participate in national, European or international projects. Provided for in the French law on research programming, this method of recruitment on the basis of research and teaching projects is designed to meet specific research and teaching needs and enhance the Institute's international appeal.
Selection of applicants
It is carried out by a selection committee of between six and ten members, the majority of whom are specialists in the research field in question. The selection committee carries out an initial review of applications, particularly in terms of the research and teaching project presented. Following this examination, it draws up a list of candidates selected for an audition. Only candidates whose applications have been shortlisted by the selection committee will be invited to audition. At the end of the auditions, the selection committee deliberates and decides on the merits of the candidates, taking into account:
- the quality, originality and, where appropriate, interdisciplinarity of the research and teaching projects presented,
- the motivation of candidates,
- their capacity for scientific and teaching supervision.
Candidates selected at the end of the selection process will be offered a junior professorship contract, on the recommendation of Inserm's CEO.