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First Step

Tremplin International projects provide €10,000 in funding to initiate new collaborations between a young Inserm researcher and a foreign team, as part of a joint research project lasting one year.

A+ / A-


The First step projects (projets Tremplin international) are exploration tools open both geographically and thematically. They aim to initiate a new collaboration between a young Inserm researcher in a French research team and a foreign team. Are eligible : 

  • Permanent researchers recruited for less than 5 years at Inserm or 
  • Inserm Atip-Avenir team leaders or
  • ERC starting grant fellows or
  • Junior professorships. 

First step projects are intended to begin and develop scientific and technological exchanges of excellence between two research laboratories. The creation of a First step project must demonstrate a potential for complementary expertise.


  • The duration of this partnership is 1 year. 
  • Beyond the resources directly mobilised by the participating laboratories, First Step projects will be granted a funding of 10,000€ for 1 year (fixed amount).

How to apply


  • Opening : April 22nd, 2024
  • Closing : June 17th, 2024 at 5:00 pm (Paris Summer Time)

The candidates will be informed of the results early 2025. The projects will start in 2025.

The application file contains

  • the scientific project (5 pages max)
  • a list of max 3 relevant scientific outputs of the laboratories
  • a recommendation of the Head of the laboratory (« DU »)
  • the CV of each coordinator French and foreign (no forms imposed)
  • a support letter signed by the foreign coordinator, indicating, the case being, funding which could be attributed to the project (no forms imposed).