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NeuroTechnologies 2023

Inserm's NeuroTechnologies 2023 booster program promotes complementary approaches to prospective research into brain imaging and neuromodulation, with an emphasis on the portability of these neurotechnologies.

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Neurotechnologies are based on a set of approaches that aim to explore the brain in order to better understand its functioning or measure its condition, detect biomarkers that will help make diagnoses, guide therapeutic strategies, act to modulate, compensate and correct dysfunctions, monitor the evolution of pathologies or repair and compensate actions. Some technological families are the subject of a constant R&D effort because they have considerable innovation potential. However, some of the obstacles require the mobilization of a large research group and Inserm wishes to tackle them by mobilizing its forces around this Booster Program.

Through complementary approaches, this Booster Program aims to conduct future-oriented research for the benefit of brain imaging and neuromodulation, with a particular interest in the portability of these neurotechnologies.

Each application must address at least one of the challenges listed in the different work packages.

NeuroTechnologies 2023 was the subject of a call for projects from April 3 to May 9, 2023.