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The Atip-Avenir Program

Since 2009, the CNRS and Inserm have been providing funding to junior principal investigators through the Atip-Avenir program, with the aim of empowering young scientists to establish their own independent team within the well-established CNRS or Inserm framework. This program funds the research projects of the laureates during five years. Atip-Avenir is a well-known label of excellence worldwide and a reference for obtaining further fundings, such as ERC grants.

A+ / A-

Who can apply?

The Atip-Avenir program is open to  young scientists, regardless of nationality, who have obtained a PhD in science or an equivalent degree more than two years ago and less than eight years ago.

Exceptions may be granted for maternity leave (12 months per child), paternity leave and/or military service, as well as for clinicians (laureates from the Inserm Liliane Bettencourt school …) and hospital-university professionals.

The program is open to any researcher or research professor, regardless of their affiliated organization, and to any non-permanent researcher. Applications from doctors or pharmacists are encouraged.


  • The candidate must have joined the host laboratory for less than 18 months and must not find a previous mentor there (potential exceptions for hospital-university profiles).
  • The applicant cannot apply for more than two different Atip-Avenir calls.
  • Laureates of a grant supporting young researchers for developing an independent project, similar to the ATIP-Avenir program, are not eligible (e.g. ANR JCJC or ERC grants).
  • ATIP-Avenir laureates can candidate to similar programs, but cannot cumulate fundings.
  • Candidates can submit their proposal without having an identified host laboratory.

What are the resources allocated?

  • Package for 5 years  (evaluation at mid-term) including:
    • An annual grant of € 60,000
    • Two-year salary for a postdoctoral researcher or an engineer.
    • Five-year salary for non-tenured laureates.
  • The host laboratory will provide a dedicated research area of at least 50 m2 (infrastructures fees will be covered by the host laboratory) and access to the local technological facilities to the Atip-Avenir team.
  • Several partners support the program and are likely to co-fund projects related to their respective fields:
    • Agence nationale de recherches sur le Sida et les hépatites virales | Maladies infectieuses émergentes (ANRS-MIE),
    • Association française contre les myopathies (AFM-Téléthon),
    • Fondation ARC pour la recherche sur le cancer,
    • Fondation innovations en infectiologie (Finovi),
    • Fondation Bettencourt Schueller, Ligue nationale contre le cancer (LNCC),
    • Stratégie décennale de lutte contre les cancers 2021 – 2030,
    • some of the Idex and I‑SITE.

Selection process

Initial screening and interview

The selection process occurs in two stages: an initial screening based on applications (usually in April), followed by an interview for shortlisted candidates (usually in June). The list of laureates and their host institutions is established jointly by Inserm and CNRS and published in early July.

Fields of research

Apllications are evaluated by international scientific committees covering the following fields of research:

Molecules of Life: Biological Mechanisms, Structures and Functions

  • Macromolecular complexes including interactions involving nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and
  • carbohydrates
  • Biochemistry
  • DNA and RNA biology; Protein biology; Lipid biology
  • Glycobiology
  • Molecular biophysics (e.g. single-molecule approaches, bioenergetics, fluorescence)
  • Structural biology and its methodologies
  • Molecular mechanisms of signalling processes
  • Synthetic biology
  • Chemical biology
  • Protein design
  • Innovative methods and modelling in molecular, structural and synthetic biology

Integrative Biology: from Genes and Genomes to Systems

  • Genetics; Gene editing
  • Epigenetics; Gene regulation
  • Genomics; Metagenomics
  • Transcriptomics; Proteomics; Metabolomics
  • Glycomics; Lipidomics
  • Bioinformatics and computational biology;
  • Systems biology
  • Biostatistics
  • Genetic diseases
  • Innovative methods and modelling in integrative biology

Cell Biology, Development and Evolution

  • Cell cycle, cell division and growth
  • Cell senescence, cell death, autophagy and cell ageing
  • Cell differentiation, physiology and dynamics
  • Cell behaviour, cell shape and cell migration
  • Cell junctions, cell adhesion, cell communication and the extracellular matrix
  • Organelle biology and trafficking
  • Functional imaging of cells and tissues
  • Tissue organisation and morphogenesis
  • Mechanobiology of cells, tissues and organs
  • Stem cell and organoid biology
  • Developmental and evolutionary genetics
  • Evolution of developmental mechanisms and strategies

Physiology in Health, Disease and Ageing

  • Organ and tissue physiology and pathophysiology; Comparative physiology
  • Physiology of ageing
  • Endocrinology
  • Microbiome and host physiology
  • Nutrition and exercise physiology
  • Influence of stress (including environmental stress) on physiology
  • Metabolism and metabolic disorders, including diabetes and obesity
  • The cardiovascular system and cardiovascular diseases
  • Hematopoiesis and blood diseases
  • Cancer
  • Non-communicable diseases (except for neural/psychiatric and immunity-related diseases)

Neurosciences and Neural Disorders

  • Neural cell function, communication and signalling, neurotransmission in neuronal and/or glial cells
  • Systems neuroscience and computational neuroscience
  • Neuronal development, plasticity and regeneration
  • Sensation and perception
  • Neural bases of cognitive processes
  • Neural bases of behaviour
  • Neurological disorders
  • Neuroimmunology, neuroinflammation
  • Psychiatric disorders
  • Neurotrauma and neurovascular conditions
  • Imaging in neuroscience
  • Attention, perception, action, consciousness
  • Learning, memory; cognition in ageing
  • Reasoning, decision-making; intelligence
  • Innovative methods and tools for neuroscience

Immunity, Infection and Microbiology

  • Innate immunity
  • Adaptive immunity
  • Regulation of the immune response
  • Immune-related diseases
  • Biology of pathogens (e.g. bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi)
  • Mechanisms of infection and infection diseases
  • Biological basis of prevention and treatment of infection (e.g. infection natural cycle, reservoirs,
  • vectors, vaccines, antimicrobials, antimicrobial resistance)
  • Innovative immunological tools and approaches, including therapies

Diagnostic tools, Therapies, Biotechnology and Public Health

  • Medical imaging for prevention, diagnosis and monitoring of diseases
  • Medical technologies and tools (including genetic tools and biomarkers) for prevention, diagnosis,
  • monitoring and treatment of diseases
  • Pharmacology and toxicology
  • Nanomedicine
  • Applied gene, cell and immune therapies; Resistance to therapies
  • Regenerative medicine
  • Analgesia and surgery
  • Epidemiology and public health
  • Environmental health, occupational medicine
  • Health services, health care research, medical ethics
  • Digital medicine, e-medicine, medical applications of artificial intelligence


Elodie Mailler

Catherine Cavard