EIC Pathfinder Open
(Intitulé FET Open de 2014 à 2020)
- Nathalie Vergnolle - U1220, Toulouse
Pharmaco-modulation of epithelia for induction of antimicrobial peptide expression : a disruptive approach to fight antibiotic resistance (MaxImmun)
- Emmanuel Barbier, Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience (U1216)
Prometeus : Preterm Brain-Oxygenation and Metabolic EU-Sensing : Feed the Brain - Carmelo Di Primo, Institut européen de chimie et de biologie, Bordeaux (U1212)
Funambulist : FUnctional Nucleic Acids as Versatile SMart BUilding BLocks in Non-ConventIonal SolvenTs - Bertrand Tavitian, Recherche en imagerie du vivant, PARCC (U970) – Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Paris
Retimager : Real Time Molecular Imager With Unsurpassed Resolution »
- Vincent Richard, Endothélium, valvulopathies et insuffisance cardiaque, Rouen
Mimosa : 4D Microscopy of biological materials by short pulse terahertz sources - Mariono Ostuni, Institut national de la transfusion sanguine, Paris
SynEri : Bottom-up reconstruction of a Synthetic Erythrocyte
- Jérôme Bonnet, Centre de biologie structurale, Montpellier
BIOCELLPHE : Ultrasensitive BIOsensing platform for multiplex CELLular protein PHEnotyping at single-cell level
- Nicolas Foray, Centre anticancer Léon Berard, Lyon
SCANnTREAT : Photodynamic therapy triggered by spectral scanner CT : an efficient tool for cancer treatment
- Fabrice Wendling, Laboratoire traitement du signal de l’image, Rennes
LUMINOUS : Studying, Measuring and Altering Consciousness through information theory in the electrical brain
EIC Pathfinder Challenge
(Intitulé FET proactive de 2014 à 2020)
- Julien Barc - U1087, Nantes
NaV1.5 regulation fine-tuning as a therapy for cardiac Conduction and Arrhythmic diseases at Risk of suddEn Death (NaV1.5‑CARED) - Rosa-Maria Bruno - U970, Paris
Speckle Technology and Digital Biomarkers of Microvascular Function for Monitoring Cardiovascular Diseases (STIMULUS)
- Jean-Paul Concordet, Structure et instabilité des génomes, Museum d’histoire naturelle Paris
EdiGenT : New Prime Editing and non-viral delivery strategies for Gene Therapy » - Mickael Tanter, École supérieure de physique et de chimie industrielles de la ville de Paris
MICROVASC (projet coordonné) : Remote whole-brain functional microscopy of the vascular system : a paradigm shift for the monitoring and treatment of small vessel diseases
- Anne Giersch, Neuropsychologie cognitive et physiopathologie de la schizophrénie, Strasbourg
VIRTUALTIMES : Exploring and Modifying the Sense of Time in Virtual Environments
EIC Transition Open
- Antonio Maraver, Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier
TAONas-LUAD : Therapeutic Antisense Oligonucleotides Targeting NUMB Alternative Splicing in Lung Adenocarcinoma